Thursday, February 5, 2009

David O. McKay Quote

Here is a great quote for all you mommies out there:

“This ability and willingness properly to rear children...make motherhood the noblest office or calling in the world. She who can paint a masterpiece or write a book that will influence millions deserves the admiration and the plaudits of mankind; but she who rears successfully a family of healthy, beautiful sons and daughters, whose influence will be felt through generations to come, whose immortal souls will exert an influence throughout the ages long after paintings shall have faded, and books and statues shall have decayed or shall have been destroyed, deserves the highest honor that man can give, and the choicest blessings of God. In her high duty and service to humanity, endowing with immortality eternal spirits, she is co-partner with the Creator himself.” (Gospel Ideals, Salt Lake City: Improvement Era, 1953, pp. 453–54.)


  1. What a beautiful quote. All my life I never wanted to be anything but a mother. I am grateful to my Father for sharing a special spirit with me. Thank you for sharing this insight with me !!!! I absolutely love the picture too !!!!!

  2. Well you are a great mom - Hillary is an awesome young woman!
